Know yourself is the first step to reaching your destination


In this beautiful world, every human being is more or less plagued with obstacles, joys and sorrows, dangers and diseases. When one danger is gone, another danger comes as anew. It seems that great happiness will come and catch or give, but it seems to be lost in the darkness again in an instant. This is how day and night always run.

This is how my life is going for you. From birth to as long as people live in this strange world, everyone has to cross this river of life in one way or another, which is the eternal truth. Even then, someone's life is not stopping, it is going on, seconds, minutes, hours are moving like clockwork. If we look at the world, not all people are 100% like anyone else. It may be like that or one or the other may have some or many similarities but the exact similarities are not the same with anyone. Even if we look at twin brothers and sisters all over the world, we can say that there is no exact similarity between them, no appearance, no physical constitution, no intellectual mindset. So every human being has different talents, emotions, needs, dreams, expectations, destinations.

No human being can survive or exist without a dream, a purpose. But all the people of the world cannot reach their destination very easily. This is why we see someone as a successful person, someone who is unsuccessful as a person in our own way or from a general point of view.

Who does not want to be successful? All the people of the world want to go a long way beyond their borders, want development, want success, want to present themselves as an enlightened successful person, want to express themselves. Outside of that I, you or he, no one will be left out.


If we look at the biographies of successful people in the world, we can see that they have such beautiful qualities as hard work, patience, perseverance, aspiration, discipline, punctuality, time and concentration. In the same way, the dream of where to go from one stage to another, the goal which can be called a specific purpose, but successful idealistic personalities have advanced in their lives and controlled their path accordingly.

First of all, the most important thing is to know who I am, where I am, where to go, how to go. It takes a lot of time to know everything together, but we have to know it, we have to think about it, we have to consider everything judiciously, we have to decide our destination by reviewing it, otherwise the dream, the dream will remain, life will not be found.To put it mildly or simply, who am I? What are the things we need to think about to recognize it? Let's try to say it in a very short form. By reviewing various articles, writings, publications, I am presenting like me. First of all, what is my acquaintance at the moment? What does my identity mean? Finding out how people around me know me properly. The question may come to mind. Simply put, my personal identity, family, social, job, financial status, and my assessment are my own identity.

Second, what is my dream, where do I want to go, how far should I go in how many years, what is the destination or the goal of life? But it has to be realistic. Such short and long term plans have to be made within 1 year, 5 years or 10 years. It can be done alone, again with the family, in partnership with the guardian, but this goal can be set and selected. The best thing is, it is best in written form. Sometimes to see it, to remind yourself.

Thirdly, I have to find out what my strengths are, such as my talent, my patience, as well as anything to support or help me, to see if there is anyone. Again, whether my financial support is available or not is often a matter of consideration. Basically the space black pot all together I have a kiki opportunity to find out. In this case, it is necessary to review the situation of one's past and previous because these powerful aspects cannot be achieved in one day or in a hurry. Day after day, a lot of pursuit and practice is required.

Fourth, to find out what my limitations are when it comes to reaching my dream or my purpose. That means finding out my own weaknesses, problems and other problems.

The fifth step or the last step is to make a realistic and appropriate plan. We have taken out our current situation, life's goals, opportunities and limitations step by step. Now with these four things in mind, I have to make a beautiful plan by listing the issues, especially my limitations and my opportunities.

When planning, keep in mind that what I am planning is not a weird plan. Must be very realistic. Let me give you an example to make it easier to plan. For example, I have had a small job now for 3 years. I don't have an unrealistic plan to become one of the world's most famous stars or Nobel laureates after 5 years. 

Always remember, I am a man, a family member, a member of society and the best creature. I have a lot of possibilities as well as limitations. It is very important to plan for reaching the goal of life correctly and appropriately by properly addressing these limitations and combining my own possibilities with it.

Wherever I am in the world, there are many behind me. Always look down or at those who are in a very bad situation even from me. There is also a need to think about those who live a very backward, inhuman life, living through bad situations in order to overcome their own weaknesses or limitations. There is no one in the world without limitations, problems, but individual problems. Some less, some more, some small, some big, some simple, some complex.

At the end of that, you have to create your own future, whose life is yours and not someone else's. So you have to know yourself for your bright and innovative future.

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Key words : #Know Yourself, #Self-assessment, #Life Goal, #Limitation, #Weakness, #Bright Future, #Planning 


আলোছায়া কথামালা

গারোদের উৎপত্তি, সমাজ ব্যবস্থা, কৃষ্টি-সংস্কৃতি, বিবাহ প্রথা ও মাতৃসূত্রীয় প্রথা

গারো শব্দের উৎপত্তি ও বিভিন্ন মতবাদ (গারোদের উৎপত্তি, সমাজ ব্যবস্থা, কৃষ্টি-সংস্কৃতি, বিবাহ প্রথা ও মাতৃসূত্রীয় প্রথা -১ম পর্ব)